Home and Community Habilitation
Services designed to assist individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. All services are provided on a one-one basis, with an emphasis on skill development. Services could include meal planning and preparation, social interaction in the community, household maintenance, money management and budgeting, and participation in social/leisure activities.
Life Skills Training
Rehabilitation Specialists and Assistants will assist individuals in maximizing their potential for independent living. All services are provided within the individual's residence to allow for greater transfer of skills. The focus of life skills activities is on the training of the skills and the process to follow in order to achieve the activities. Services are not designed to “do for the individual”, however to teach the individual the skills in order for them to “do for themselves”. Services are provided for only those activities in which the individual requires assistance.
Community Integration
Many individuals are often socially isolated and unable to access their community. Rehabilitation Specialists assist individuals with identifying areas of interests and becoming more aware of community activities. The focus of this service is to train individuals regarding the necessary steps in planning and completing different outings. Areas such as time management, costs and related considerations are discussed for each planned activity. Once in the community, appropriate social and communication skills are addressed. Potential outings could include dining out, attending medical appointments, volunteer work, shopping or visiting local venues.
What Our Staff Can Do For YOU...
Regional Managers serve as the point of entry into the home and community integration program. All referrals for services are made to the manager who, through discussions with the individual, will determine which services best meet the needs and interests of the person. Regional Managers will assign a staff person to work with each individual based on location, interests and direction of service. Regional Managers ensure quality services to the individuals and will directly supervise all direct service staff.
Rehabilitation Specialists provide direct service based on direction from the individual and Regional Manager. Each individual receiving services from Living Unlimited will have routine contact with a Rehabilitation Specialist as they continue in the process towards goal achievement. Rehabilitation Specialists will only provide those services deemed essential to ensure the individuals will maximize independence in their home and community. |